HatersMadeMeFAMOUS! //,.,^=
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Star Sign: Libra
Ethnicity: Mixed
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: In Relationship
Height: 5'7" (171cm)
Weight: 150 lbs (68kg)
Location: Round Rock, Texas, United States
Signup Date: 21 Feb 12
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 404
Latest Blog: WOW cont.
Latest Artwork: untitled
Latest Poem: Black Vines and Purple Roses
Member is offline Last Online: 10 years ago
about me
Hey, I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Kenzie or Rose. I love to hang out with anyone that would wanna chill. One thing that should be straight with you guys, I was born and raised most of my life in California but I live in Texas now. Yep, that's right the second fattest state ever. I'm not fat though, I'm actually below average. I'm an herbivore! I was a vegetarian for a whole year and a half before I started to eat only fish and vegetables. I just currently started eating meat again, but it kinda feels alien eating meat again... I'm the chick that's not afraid to speak my thoughts but I am far from being a mean girl. I love screamo and I love grunge metal and all these other types of music cause I'm just that awesome! ;D Also to add I don't drink or smoke I did both once but HATED IT! I don't care if you smoke or drink I really don't, but I'm just saying it's not something I see myself doing. Also I am a major bookworm I love reading and writing and drawing. Thank you to whoever took the time to read all this xD I have soooo much free time at my school it's not even funny, am I right or am I right? C; So anyway, yeah, hope to get to know you awesome people.
favourite music