Vampiric-Spirit666's Poetry

Primal Sexual Hunter

Sexually perverse, animalistic, night creatures that seek to pounce on their prey, to tear out their throats and devour them entirely,
To exsanguinate their pitiful carcass, their soul wanders, earthbound, tormented forever
The innocent & naive timid little prey, are no match for the primal sexual, ferocious intensity, the primordial urge to take you with force, and render you defenseless to their hypnotic, mesmerising sexual allure.
Beguiled, by their forceful aggressiveness, sexual urges, the beastial transformation takes over
Everything in it’s path shall be raped, or torn to shreds, ripped apart until only bloody visceral chunks are left
Hunted, stalked, taken sexually, devoured completely by the apex predator
Canis Lupus, hellhound & soul collector for the devil, omen of death, decay, ruin & eternal suffering
Wolfman, predator of the weak & feeble petty mortals, with preternatural strength, heightened senses, primal sexual prowess, seeking their mate, a life long companion

Sadistic Charm

Sadistic charm with a fatal lust, a black heart & no soul
Devilish eyes of the darkest pits of hell
Your love is like poison, that I greedily consume, it is addictive & deadly
It slowly creeps it’s way into all parts of me, my mind, my body, my soul, my heart
Corruption of the innocent, kind-hearted souls
You condemn to a lifetime of torment, relentless agony
Pain, anguish, suppressed rage & anger that will never cease
You have ignited a eternal flame in my soul that will never diminish, it will never fade
It burns with such an intensity that your soul would be burnt by a mere touch
One soul intertwined with another irrevocably damaged, corrupted, broken beyond repair
You inflict as much pain as possible, pretend to love me, pretend to care
It never meant anything to you, you took advantage of my issues and used it against me on purpose
Pulling my strings like a puppet being controlled by a master manipulator
Your words were weapons, strategic, cold, calculated, deceiving, bitter lies
Seductive Demon, lustful beast of the night, hunter of your prey that you want to hunt, fuck, tear to pieces, and devour whole
Slave of Satan, beast of hell, corruptor of souls, minds, hearts, hateful being of lust, sex & death.

Necromantic Lover

Love of the dead, thy mortal flesh has succumbed to death
Beauty of the pallid fresh corpse, lustful spirits, demons crave your flesh
They touch your flesh in a primal, lustful, sexual aggression & pure ecstasy
Your beautiful corpse is admired, lusted after, and shared among lustful spirits, demons, the dead
Your innocent soul, belongs to the dead, a whore for spirits, entities, demons you are forever their slave
Entwined with corpses, loved by the dead, a willing slut to be conquered, owned and dominated.

The Devil's Vampiric Embrace

Innocent and faire maiden, white as snow
I beckon thee into my arms, into my immortal embrace
Come to me, my sweet, little angel, don’t turn away in fear
Nothing compares to your sweet innocence
So easy to tempt, seduce, entice, corrupt, to use like a fuckdoll, a willing sex slave
You are mine! You belong to me! My little plaything, that I adore with all of my black little heart. You are mine forever, our souls are intertwined in a loving embrace frozen in time
You want to be controlled, you want, need, crave to be enslaved, to be owned
You crave to be my lover, my possession, beguiled by my mesmerising gaze, under my spell
You are seduced by my energy, enticed into a trance, enchanted by it
A past life bond of the heart, mind, body and soul that will never die
influenced in your dreams, your waking thoughts are plagued by me, my energy, inescapable
I will love and cherish you forever, my little angel, so soft-hearted and kind
Your pain will be sweet ecstasy, you’re pleasure will be agony and sweet surrender
Give yourself to me fully, mind, body and soul, wholeheartedly, my little whore
I want to devour you completely, so you are forever a part of me
Come into my embrace, be not afraid, for I am your guardian, father, lover, avenger, protector, master
It only takes one subtle moment of time, a brief moment of pain for an eternity of love, passion, immortal love without end
Close your eyes and sleep my love forever more, in my eternal embrace
You are safe in my arms, you are never alone and always loved
My sweet angel, my divine precious little whore

Vampires in Society

Come with me
Take my cold dead hand in yours
Don’t be afraid child
I will heal all your wounds, your body and soul
You are divine, your blood is sacred to me

Though, I will only drink from those that are willing to die
Will you die for me?
To become eternally youthful, to never age, never become sick
Never die

The choice is yours
Do not take it for granted
You will not be offered this opportunity again in this lifetime.
Only the chosen will be a part of my family
You are now my child, as I am your Maker

I gave birth, to your death
My blood now, courses through your veins
You belong to me now, my love
My kin

Now you are a soulless, fiend
People will hate and fear you
You cold dead hand, will chill them to the bone
Though some braver souls, will be intrigued
by your youthfulness, quiet otherworldly demeanour, you pale pallor

You must ingest blood now, my dear
If you don’t not, it will weaken you, when the sun rises
You must avoid the sun, like the plague, sleep in your coffin, till nightfall
You will regain your strength when you rest
When you awaken, you will be hungry for one thing, and one thing only
The blood lust will consume, you until your craving is satiated
If you find a willing victim, then the blood will taste warm and rich
However some of the more brave victims will fight back
For these lucky souls, you can glamour them into agreeing to allow you to feed on them
Dispose of the body, in a are not used much by humans
Learn to blend into your environment, then no one will suspect a thing for centuries

The Ancient Vampiric Count

In the long forgotten tomb, covered in ancient dust, decay and rot
The moonlight illuminates the tomb through broken shards of glass in arched gothic windows
Lays a undead corpse, a creature of the night, with a unquenched thirst for blood
Satiated by the lifeforce, energy and blood of the living, from a living soul
The horrors of the fiend’s existence are showed to any who are brave enough to enter the tomb
Woe onto those that disturb the restless slumber, of the ancient vampiric count
For you shall pay dearly with your body, your energy, your blood & your soul
Offer your body, energy & blood willingly & you shall be gifted with eternal life, enslaved to serve the ancient, vampiric count forever
But you shall never become sick, decay or die
You will be cursed to live forever, to watch everything & everyone you love & care about age, decay and die
Feast upon the blood of your enemies, but seduced & charm your lovers
Take pride in your nocturnal, undead existence, thrive within the darkness, become one with the shadows, the children of the night will serve you
Willing slaves that offer their body, flesh, energy, blood for you to devour
Donors for blood and sex on demand in a endless supply until you are satiated

The Brides of Dracula

Under the cover of darkness, the moon beckons the children of the night
A sinister darkness envelopes the mausoleum they reside in
Our kith, kin, brethren of the shadows, embrace your primal, predatory nature
Seduce, entice, mesmerise your mortal prey into submission
Feast upon the lifeforce, the essence of the innocent, impressionable foolish mortals
Beguile, hypnotize your willing companion, take them by the hand and lead them to your coffin
Lay them down in an eternal, deathless sleep and give them your immortal kiss of death

The Brides of Dracula have risen, they seek to consume the souls of the living
They lure the curious with their deathly pallor, and ethereal beauty
Those that are seeking communion with their kind, the kindred spirits of the undead
Their otherworldly allure is irresistible, seductive and possess a fatal charm to the unaware
Don't venture to far, alone at night, for you shall fall prey to an undead fiend
Bloodthirsty and lustful for your quivering flesh, for your rich, warm blood pumping in your veins.