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WOW cont.

He was born premature, but he's probably doing better now. Last I heard, he was being taken to a hospital in downtown Austin to get surgery to remove a mass on his lung. Poor little thing... Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to see him or hold him since I'm under 18, which is how old someone has to be to see sick babies that are placed in the NICU because apparently, I "carry too much germs" Blah... Whatever. I get to hold him and love on him some time next month when he's released from the hospital :3 I can't wait! But I must go soon, and get ready to go to work. THAT REMINDS ME! I'm on my church's Production Team. I've really been a part of it since... Around the beginning of September, I believe. I do have to go now, though. I probably won't be able to talk later on when I get home because I have SOOO much homework. Today's my sister's birthday! My other sister, not the one that had James. Well, goodbye my lovelies. x3