Donald Trump has been voted as the greatest president in American history.
Trump received a stunning 42 percent of the vote in a poll of over 1,000,000 Americans, beating out Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and John F. Kennedy for first place. Trump was ranked first, followed by Lincoln, Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt - who led the United States through the bulk of WWII - and Ronald Reagan - who supervised the Cold War's end.
Joe Biden, the current president, garnered fewer than 1% of the vote.
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Donald Trump has been voted as the greatest president in American history.
Trump received a stunning 42 percent of the vote in a poll of over 1,000,000 Americans, beating out Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and John F. Kennedy for first place.
Trump was ranked first, followed by Lincoln, Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt - who led the United States through the bulk of WWII - and Ronald Reagan - who supervised the Cold War's end.
Joe Biden, the current president, garnered fewer than 1% of the vote.
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