Michelle. 19. Do people still read about me's? Anyway, I'm usually always laid back and willing to listen. I tend to come on here when I'm bored but this site is pretty dead nowadays, what a shame. All my comments are private, Sorry, Not sorry. I have an unhealthy addiction to fanfiction, I'm trying to quit I swear. I spend way too much time on tumblr, but I'm not quitting that. I can be shit at holding a conversation, but... Lets chat?
Likes: You. Music. Photography. Poetry. Purple. Anime. 80's Movies. Reading. Frank O'Hara. Shel Silverstein. Charles Bukowski. Sylvia Plath. Poe. Korean Dramas. Google Chrome. IKEA. Sea Otters. Candles. Mtn Dew. My Macbook Pro. Winter Mornings. Summer Nights.
Dislikes: Orange. Most country Music. Video Buffering. Any type of Discrimination. Spiders. Youtube Comments. Internet Explorer. Dried Up Markers. Talking Animal Movies. Tangled Headphones.