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The winter chill filled the air,
Tears I choked back that came from nowhere,
oh this lonely house and empty halls,
echoes as if I am in a haunted house

my fingertips longing to stroke the plastic tips of the
Piano to hear its sweet sound echoing in my ear
Like a soft blanket wrapping around a child
I can finally release my fears,

Can you hear the melody my dear, tender and soft
each sound fusing with your very soul as if your being
was a wonderful and rare sound.
One that nature tunes too as well, the rain or wind even a thunderous sound

Tonight my dear I play that sound out loud,
in hopes that even so far away it reaches your dreams,
and holds you close, with a musical melody that feels
Like and invisible hug

I love you with all my heart, one day
Even I will play this melody to you sing from my heart
and the many sounds echoing from my very soul
That long to give you all my love.
Even just this thought brings those tears
back to choke in my throat, at last my love
They are the tears of all my joy that was held trapped
Locked in a box
in joy I cry out to you, my love
my heart, and my very beautiful dreams
you gave me hope and peace
your are my love letter, my
very own home, and we will dance
to the melody of our music fusing together til that day

my love hold my letter of love.