just hangin' around at church

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[cataclysm] + [epiphany]

Gender: Male
Age: 45
Star Sign: Aquarius
Ethnicity: Mixed
Religion: New Age
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6'2" (188cm)
Weight: 200 lbs (91kg)
Location: Deep in The Woods, Ontario, Canada

Signup Date: 09 Mar 12
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 368
Latest Blog: ooo ooh
Latest Artwork: sarcastic-cartoon-man
Latest Poem: something-remains

Member is offline
Last Online: 10 years ago

Homepage: www.shutyourfuckingface.com
Buddies: 2 [view]
Followers: 3 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 23 Jul 13 3:10 am
about me
I am a solo Industrial Rock musician. My daughter, Music and Film are MY life. I have been recording and producing music since 1997. I was not always from this dimension and I dislike earth most of the time. lately I have discovered the online gaming world, finally. I am continuing to work on an involved piece of work: Cataclysm: [d e ad] in the water* I am also collecting members for my alt. punk rock band [FML] I paint at least on project once a year. I draw 0ne-sheet cartoon strips (sarcastic, edgy and detailed) at least once a year. I am extremely busy with work. (I get paid to record music all day long) *update - taking a leave of absence from the recording studio [need a sanity break] - seriously just trying to de-stress and take it easy - thinking of just quitting everything all together and writing a book out in the bush*

writing lyrics* recording music* singing* playing my korg/synths* drums* guitars* music time with little Anni* writing screenplays* producing indie films* F M L* sixwishumbra* painting* drawing* meditating* exercise*

ignorance*mosquitoes*assholes*bitches*condescension*cry babies*sucker punching*chomos*rape*intentional disrespect*arrogance*child abuse*thieves*

favourite music
sixwishumbra*FML*CHEM-FATALE*neptunes at night* screaming queens*new order* sinead o' conner, tori amos, linda strawberry, billy corgan, smashing pumpkins, 2 pac, kings of leon, switchblade sympony, placebo, cradle of filth, florence and the machine, slipknot, marilyn manson, our lady peace, three days grace, depeche mode, tears for fears, fall out boy, rammstein, stonesour, seether, bush, collide, godhead, mushroomhead, jeffrey nothing, HIM, sound garden, stone temple pilots, ke$ha, dope, david bowie, the cure, stabbing westward, nirvana, sonic youth, pet shop boys, tom petty and the heartbreakers



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