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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
04 Sep 24 9:59 pm  

OK well, its really funny if you're ever in the area. I don't know if its available internationally


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Forum: Creative Expressions Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
24 Jul 24 10:59 pm  

I have a bottle of nail polish which was apparently used by one of The Cure at one point in time during their golden era. Not sure how much something like that would go for, the polish has dried up of course and the glass is starting to yellow, but it's an interesting piece of history anyway.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
24 Jul 24 10:54 pm  
Tara Appreciation Thread

This is a thread for appreciation of one of my favorite Goth characters in all of fiction (and my namesake) Tara, The Emotionally detached Goth Chick. She appears in local zine Blotto, which is by Nic Sequeira, and she is easily someone I relate to. Most of her mannerisms are things I would do. I think this comic is one of the funniest and most accurate depictions of Goths in comics, she has given me many a good laugh over the years...

Here is an iconic moment from Blotto 7, one of my favorites:

Are there any fellow Taraheads here on the forum? I know Tara has a small following especially in Denver, and I know lots of Tara lore.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
24 Jul 24 10:43 pm  

I have never been able to have a boyfriend for more than a week


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
24 Jul 24 10:42 pm  

Cycle of Revenge by Walter Cromby is a great read, I remember it was one of my favorites when I was 13 or so.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
06 Jul 24 8:06 pm  

Spider bitches can b tricky... nice poem


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
06 Jul 24 8:05 pm  

I believe that dreams are how the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile communicates with me as it delivers hot dogs nationwide


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
06 Jul 24 8:03 pm  

Somehow I always end up back at Trent or some Trent-adjacent song


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
06 Jul 24 8:00 pm  

Usually in summer I put on as much sunscreen as possible... skin burns easy up here and you can never be too careful


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
27 Jun 24 10:10 pm  
Favorite means of contacting spirits?

How do u prefer making contact with the spirit realm/afterlife? There seem to be lots of ways, but some are moreso for predicting your own destiny than conversing with the dead. I usually only try this really late at night- 3-4 A.M. is the best time because, according to folklore it's the point when the boundary between this life and the next is the weakest. How about you?


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Forum: Relationships + Sex Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
27 Jun 24 10:05 pm  

I am ace/aro and proud


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
18 Jun 24 11:48 pm  

Wow, this is more luck than I ever get when I try to astral project- I think I need to put myself in the right frame of mind.


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Forum: Relationships + Sex Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
18 Jun 24 11:47 pm  

I would consider myself goth- not elder goth, or all that knowledgeable about the deeper roots or history, but I'm not a normie. I do think it's worth dividing between like 90s Goths and current goths, both groups take pretty different approaches... and then there's stuff like Cybergoth of course but that all really just goes over my head. Point being, I am proud to call myself a Goth, and I think anyone should be, theres nothing really embarrassing about it. It should be embraced, and whenever someone asks me to introduce them to the culture I'm all too happy to point the way.


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Forum: Entertainment Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
18 Jun 24 11:43 pm  

Not sure if it would be considered a subgenre of goth rock, bcuz it's not really rock... but I would say Witch House. All those synths and background sounds get me in a good mood, especially whenever I'm feeling low. I also like how drawn out the genre can be at times... you get alot more content and the compositions are really layered and intense


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Forum: Creative Expressions Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:55 pm  

I agree! reddit is bad for the culture. All it does is monopolize forums, and the forum layout on reddit is never desirable- it offers so little customization. I've been looking for goth blogs etc. online, but every list just points to Reddit. Sad to watch happen. One of my friends migrated their forum onto Reddit, and in a month it had all been vandalized and someone tried to delete it. There were basically no safeguards against that. I recommend vbulletin or xenforo instead


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Forum: Newbies Forum Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:43 pm  
New To The Forum!

Hi all- new today. I'm very excited about this forum, it's been awhile since I posted anything or shared personal updates about my life. I will be able to check in occasionally whenever possible, and like the color scheme (gray is for me!) Anyway, yeah... if anyone has tips or suggestions about music, happenings in the goth sphere, etc. let me know and I will check them out.


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Forum: Newbies Forum Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:37 pm  

Oh thats cool... I live right near the OG Wax Trax, it's on 13th here in Denver. I visit there sometimes for rare vinyls and stuff.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:35 pm  

I used to be on VF (under a different username) and was probably too young to use the site if I'm being honest... my parents would have a fit if they found out. I am appreciative of what the site resulted in, tho. And that there are little pockets here and there. I miss those days, I can't deny that... I used to have several IRL friends who would post their daily routine/fashion on there, and now there's barely anywhere to post that sort of thing. I like reminiscing, I might write a book about it someday (although I'm not much of a writer, LOL).


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:31 pm  

I hate it whenever all people know from them is "Just Can't Get Enough." Like, I get that's their big hit or whatever, but there is so much more in the discography... especially all the wonderful unreleased demos and b-sides. They are a band that really can use some going over with a fine-tooth comb


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 21 | Location: (United States) | Account Type: Free
15 Jun 24 10:29 pm  

I am somewhat mixed when it comes to the subject of elitism/gatekeeping- like, I have seen some people who just want to seem goth but then the next week they've moved onto something else and don't even seem to give Goth any thought- but then some people do need to engage with the culture to form their own tastes. I guess the best approach is just to assume everyone has the best intentions and is interested in sincerely learning unless they eventually prove otherwise.

I do know several people who, over the years, have told me that they don't consider certain bands "real goth" or whatever, just because they're newer or have had less time to develop, and I think this is bad for the culture. Just felt that is worth mentioning.