/ 46 posts
19 Mar 21 11:03 pm
imagine if everyone just came
back and started using GG again.
/ 246 posts
20 Mar 21 12:48 am
I mean...

Now is a good time considering Facebook has turned into a fascist kingdom.
/ 46 posts
20 Mar 21 10:36 pm
I mean I've noticed that a lot of people are still active, were just not all sitting around at our computer.

weird times.
/ 3 posts
21 Mar 21 1:53 am
Yeah. I would say I log on maybe once every few weeks. I have a career and a kid, so my time is usually filled by default.
/ 46 posts
21 Mar 21 6:11 am
I wonder how is doing, havent seen him active in the forums in a while.
/ 307 posts
21 Mar 21 6:48 pm
Yep, I'm on here everyday just about. When I was on VF I'd get messages, responses to comments on Topics but they also had ads for concerts of bands that I like (which I could never go to). Their were a few really cool news letters too that were fascinating. But I like to go though the comments on Topics here. Really enjoy those!
/ 46 posts
22 Mar 21 12:51 am
is the only one with server access?

like is there any admins with backup servers incase his server fails?

sorry for sounding like a noob but i just overthink things and dont want to see the site ever go away.
/ 203 posts
22 Mar 21 3:09 am
i should hang the vf boob contest here again...that was so goth
/ 46 posts
22 Mar 21 3:57 am
i'm surprised there isn't a website called SoGoth for all the southern goths out there. lol
/ 526 posts
22 Mar 21 11:06 am
'The "I'm So Goth" List'
/ 526 posts
15 Jun 21 7:37 am *
I recall some other websites years ago where members actually CARED enough to actively-post Interesting and Sincerely-Intelligent Topics daily, and *ENGAGE* en masse in those threads.

Well nowadays; years later (see FB, VF, and GW...unfortunately, I actually SENSE that eventually GW will crap-out and all those insufferably-horrid Malicious Little Right Wing Bonebrain Trolls will then Migrate here to GG. But fortunately, not all GothWirelings are Painfully-Stupid Idiots. though, blessedly) people everywhere seem more interested in (if they even post/comment anything at all; aside from Endless Selfies) MALEVOLENT FLAMING and TROLLING, and further, the enabling, groupthinking "lesser trolls" seem to only to stroke and feed the malicious "alpha trolls" into keeping their tsunamis of mindless anarchic chaos (Right-Wing Political Disinformation Campaigns included therein) going ad nauseum on the daily.

Not even Classic Grammar itself is any longer given The Proper Respect it deserves, these days.


Some people are certainly Their Own Worst Critics, so maybe they actually Try Harder To Excel in so many of their own actions (which, To Smarter And Wiser Individuals, is often clear), and maybe The More Burningly-Envious Lazy Types in-turn then but simply Troll.


"There Will Always Be Some People Who Will Always Work Harder Than Others."
/ 307 posts
02 Dec 21 10:31 pm
Someone else doesn't propose all bad against illegitimate misinformation, subsequently hear it:
/ 24 posts
19 Jun 22 12:27 am
james wrote:
i'm surprised there isn't a website called SoGoth for all the southern goths out there. lol

That sounds like a great idea.
/ 307 posts
19 Jun 22 7:51 pm
_n3kr0m4nc3r_ wrote:
james wrote:
i'm surprised there isn't a website called SoGoth for all the southern goths out there. lol

That sounds like a great idea.

That is a great idea! LOL I've seen pages set up for Goths in Mississippi but the group name isn't nearly as clever. 😆