but what about SUMMer goffs??
/ 220 posts
28 Jun 24 4:22 pm
We alll know what we do around Fall already 👻
Plans, or Events anyone?
/ 321 posts
02 Jul 24 7:00 pm
Egh, I hate summer! In summer time I try to get by with the skater look;

Board shorts
1/3 Length Cargo Shorts
Roller Derby Tank Top
VF Tank Top
Black Cap I brought from Beserk.com

I also live like a Vampire, I stay inside a lot.
/ 321 posts
02 Jul 24 7:07 pm
LOL This song is brilliant! Thanks for sharing.
/ 220 posts
02 Jul 24 11:26 pm
Glad you enjoyed xD that song and video is great lol!
I get out in the Summer cuz I did the whole vampy thing all winter and stay indoors. If all else fails it's the pub downstairs for pizza and beer in my pjs 🧛
/ 220 posts
02 Jul 24 11:30 pm
and nice seeing you again. I think we talked last 3 years ago ? My memory at my age is Wax Traxed out 🖤😅
/ 321 posts
03 Jul 24 7:19 pm
Nivram wrote:
Glad you enjoyed xD that song and video is great lol!
I get out in the Summer cuz I did the whole vampy thing all winter and stay indoors. If all else fails it's the pub downstairs for pizza and beer in my pjs 🧛

I guess that's because of your location, you're in the US right?

I'm in Boonerland (Australia) so our winters are very mild but our summers are bad! It can get up to +40C at worse and there's always the risk of bush fires. It's winter right now and the worse it gets is -5C, we get frost and ice but that's all. By mid morning that goes away and we actually get plenty of sun. Think about this, it was +13C the other day and I was outside for 40min but still got a mild sunburn on my face! 👀🤷‍♂️
/ 321 posts
03 Jul 24 7:24 pm
Nivram wrote:
and nice seeing you again. I think we talked last 3 years ago ? My memory at my age is Wax Traxed out 🖤😅

Likewise! I think I gave GG a long break because people stopped talking to me.

Yeah, I remember that! Wax Traxed reminds me of Landspeed Records.

Nice to hear from you, thanks for remembering me!
/ 220 posts
05 Jul 24 3:52 pm
I didn't notice you replied to Wax Trax til I came across activity from a new user on here in recent days.
We need notifications around here :shakefist:
/ 21 posts
06 Jul 24 8:00 pm
Usually in summer I put on as much sunscreen as possible... skin burns easy up here and you can never be too careful
/ 321 posts
07 Jul 24 6:51 pm
tarafan666 wrote:
Usually in summer I put on as much sunscreen as possible... skin burns easy up here and you can never be too careful

I live in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) and it has a reputation for being cold. Anyway, I got relatives in QLD (Queansland) where it's warmer and more tropical. They think it's like Alaska down here. But the fact is the ACT has the highest rate of skin cancer in Boonerland! It's because the ACT is higher up on the altitude so there's more exposure to the suns radiation.
/ 3 posts
09 Jul 24 8:03 pm
sunburns suck but do you guys have problems with dry and flaky head and scalp?

its in the 100s in salt lake city, utah today. three days this week it will be.
/ 220 posts
10 Jul 24 8:13 pm
No i use Tea Tree oil shampoo and conditioner
/ 321 posts
11 Jul 24 7:09 pm
I was a Meter Reader and I worked through summer. I worked NYE and it was +40C so I took plenty of breaks, drank heaps of water, stayed in the shade.....it didn't make a difference. Instead of celebrating NYE I spent it suffering from sunstroke, watching Netflix and drinking water. It was an early night. I was so angry....so, so angry! Well....I felt more dissapointed. I was too dehydrated to get angry.
/ 3 posts
12 Jul 24 5:01 pm
I've been spending tons of U.S. food stamps on Gatorade lately. Salt Lake City is a desert mountain city so it has quite a few days over 100 degrees, especially right now. I left Charlotte like 4 days ago and it was sweltering humid days there. Indiana was alot like Charlotte in the southeast with about six days a year where it goes over a 100 degrees.

I'm almost broke so I'm debating whether to head back to South Salt Lake's shelter until I get my disability payment again in August.
/ 220 posts
14 Jul 24 3:03 am
yup U.S. im in Milwaukee,Wisconsin
My mom lives in Perth so im aware of her snowless Winters ...l9l
/ 321 posts
16 Jul 24 6:58 pm
Nivram wrote:
@Karl yup U.S. im in Milwaukee,Wisconsin
My mom lives in Perth so im aware of her snowless Winters ...l9l

I've never been to Perth (it's miles away from here) but from what I hear it gets really humid.