Chemical_Chaos69's Poetry


silently I sat in the den,
your face pale as cold sat upon your skin
heavy and still you lay, wrapped in white linen,
softly I run my hand through your hair

so soft and Grey, you look just
like sleeping beauty fragile like
porcelain, come home I cried
wake up from this slumber that
your in, can you not hear me crying
can you not feel me shaking you awake

please my grandfather why won’t
you wake, the nurses are waiting
with coffee and our bowl of
creamed cereal,
oh but all you do is lay unmoving
no sound or breath, why is my mother
morning. Could I have been to late
oh lord tell me why my
grandfather won’t listen. Has the bell
tolled and the reaper came and took him
so peacefully he looks a smile on
his face. Now I must truly accept his fate
til now and forever my grandfather

I lay you to rest, for my sister and
mother will surely wait, I just know
my grandfather that we all will meet
only this time ill bring coffee and cake,
rest my grandfather
for god will surely let us meet again.


The wage of sin is pain and death,
temptation forever written in our breath,
sinners were born, in darkness we live
The deaths of our family, await us
in there deep rest. Oh the wages
of Sin will forever be Death,
With war, and violence, no civil rest
we spill blood like rivers, and hate like a pest
The wage of our sins bring death and destruction

what a horrible end for God’s
loving creation, every last soul that
walketh on earth, will face there
own destruction,
I say unto you once again
The wages of our sin will always be


oh listen to that melody, as you embrace me tight
like dancing marionettes, waltzing in the night.
Let us dance like dolls in this evening candle light

so pretty the room sparkling with flickering
light, casting our shadows that dance
upon the walls watching us twirl under in dark
melancholy music

at last we are lost in each others eyes
listen my love as we dance across the midnight night
your hand in mine, spinning and twirling
oh how we look like dolls, on a December night

come with me my love let us dance together all night
no one but us not a soul in sight
moving together so graciously, our hearts
beating like drums

beating and beating with the rhythm of love
at last the sun rising our night comes to a
slow close, we pause in the light til
the moon rises again

then we dance just light dolls in the December
snow and wind, resting our souls together
til the next song begins.


Restless are the souls
The devil reaps, soft angelic voices
Like a hypnotic beat,
come and listen the devil calls,
my restless dark symphony, the red berries of my loins, and wine
from many fruit trees, like a siren
The devil stands, beautiful and certain
The abyss in the songs of his
betrayal. An armor of scales,
and breath of hot fire, he brings
to us, lies and blasphemy, aiding the
many pleasure of his fathers people,
Rebel Satan sings, from the city of
Babylon, he tricks many.
Restless is those who listen
to the dark melodies of false
promises, to fly away, Satan is
coming, a fallen angel judged
and yet refuses defeat, he taketh
from his father, in pure intention
Rebel he sings, come be
Restless, and live in agony like me,
let my ten horns show you
The gifts in store when you bow down
and follow me.
Come let me save you,
let me fly you away to sweet
pleasureful victories. He preaches.
Woe to those who believe salvation
comes from a restless abomination
and army Whom God already defeats.
The Restless Wrathful Satan thrown
down at our feet, with a goal to
make us rebel and become
restless just like he and all his minions.


His being as black as coal,
a mist or fog, that hovers in the air,
A shadow man, with no face or hair
his very presence thickens the air,
darkening not only the room, but
also this human atmosphere,
Clinging to my rosary, falling in prayer
I speak those words, like foggy fingers
I find my voice has gone,
Scream I cannot, speak as I try but
this devilish abomination stole my very
words and voice.
There a smile on a faceless hairless
Shadow, as if victory was at his grasp,
NO! the voice echoed like a roaring
Father I pray, take this devil from
me, let the devil be gone from my
mind, shall evil choke on its own
Light shines burning holes in the
shadowy night, as the misty shadow man
has gone. Warmth of the light and sun, I cry
freedom from evil, even for a
moment I be spared from the claws
of Satan,
and shielded by the wings of my father
praise be my god, to keep the shadows
away from me.
The shadow man with sharp
shiny teeth, remains as a memory
a warning that not all are who they
claim to be, malice and hate
often lies in the most beautiful of beings
like wolves in sheep clothing,
God defeated the shadow man
of my dreams.


My breath and being came from him.
The eyes of many of his children, so bright and clear
carefully created formed into a living being.

What a beautiful body to hold such a beautiful soul,
no matter the age, or the changes, it carefully protects my
oh so beautiful soul.

He is all I ever known, even when I was alone,
the many thoughts of many voices none which are
of my own.
Blessed am I to have lived and grown
to feel a taste of his love, and more that will come, when you hear
his letters and law, carefully created
to learn and follow, warning to his
beloved creation, the woe of the
devil, his choir of hell, temptation that
appears beautiful and sweet,
like poison it bitters the stomach
showing its full potential and sick lies
keep guard my brothers and sisters
protect your soul, and read his letter,
open your eyes and see the love he has carefully crafted, and sowed
deep within your very being.
His love is pure and deep
his patients is ever lasting, as he sits
waiting for you, to come to him, the
freedom and will is our own,
my god oh mighty, my creator,
you are my friend, and my father,
in you I trust, in you I believe,
to you my god I bow and pray for the day we come home.


The winter chill filled the air,
Tears I choked back that came from nowhere,
oh this lonely house and empty halls,
echoes as if I am in a haunted house

my fingertips longing to stroke the plastic tips of the
Piano to hear its sweet sound echoing in my ear
Like a soft blanket wrapping around a child
I can finally release my fears,

Can you hear the melody my dear, tender and soft
each sound fusing with your very soul as if your being
was a wonderful and rare sound.
One that nature tunes too as well, the rain or wind even a thunderous sound

Tonight my dear I play that sound out loud,
in hopes that even so far away it reaches your dreams,
and holds you close, with a musical melody that feels
Like and invisible hug

I love you with all my heart, one day
Even I will play this melody to you sing from my heart
and the many sounds echoing from my very soul
That long to give you all my love.
Even just this thought brings those tears
back to choke in my throat, at last my love
They are the tears of all my joy that was held trapped
Locked in a box
in joy I cry out to you, my love
my heart, and my very beautiful dreams
you gave me hope and peace
your are my love letter, my
very own home, and we will dance
to the melody of our music fusing together til that day

my love hold my letter of love.