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Gender: Female
Age: 29
Star Sign: Aquarius
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'6" (168cm)
Location: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Signup Date: 24 Aug 10
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 2115
Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: Puppy
Latest Poem: What Am I? (1)

Member is offline
Last Online: 3 years ago

Buddies: 6 [view]
Followers: 9 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 13 Sep 21 7:33 pm
about me
My name is Joee... yes JOEE
South Dakota is where I am from. Montana is where I live.
Music and photography are my two passions.
TV Reporter

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This is Damian he's pretty much the sexiest guy you will ever meet... Just kidding... I'm Damian and I've hacked Joee's profile. She means the world to me and if you fuck with her, you're fucking with me. I need to get my ass there to see her and I love her to death. Joee you are everything to me and always will be and as far as I'm concerned, you're MINE. And everyone else better back off cause I love you and I don't share well with others. I miss her and can't wait to have her in my arms.
Photobucket I believe before I go on with the people who mean a lot to me... I should start with a girl. I feel this way because there are no other girls on here... and It takes a lot of balls to actually be a girl that I like. c: shes pretty isn't she? Meh, Don't fucking say shes not. She is. Plus... she kinda stole my name :D So here is "Joee.." or I'll call her Jacki c:
Photobucket So this is Jayee (: He's the sweetest guy I could have ever met! He's like... amazing Our rocks had babies and are growing up soooo fast c; They're cute and so is he. c: But seriously... I dunno if he knows it but he's freaking amazing! and I would do anything for this boy c:
Photobucket This is the only other girl besides Jacki that I actually get along with c: which is surprising because we are complete opposites! This girl I can go to with ANYTHING and I love her! Shes been my best friend for like...10 years now! c: I love her. We make cupcakes at 1am in our panties just for the hell of it. I am very protective over her. Shes my bestestest friend ever!
Photobucket Jeremy(: My bestest friend! or..... My LUCKY ASIAN DUCKY^^ He's amazing and I love him to death. I missed him sooo much! (: He's so fun to talk to! I've known him for about 2 1/2 years and he always has my back when I need him.
Photobucket This is my favorite Marine Corps buddy(: His name is Dane... Or, as I like to call him... My Marine Monkey(: I have problems with people, occupations, and animals! :D I like to rhyme... He's got my back 24/7 I can count on him for any and everything!
Photobucket Okay, so there is this boy... He's taller then me... His hair is half-way blue... AND... This is Dallas(: He's my bestest friend and needs to get his booty back to SD NOW!(: that way I can shove him in the hottub again :D
Photobucket This people... Is Cody(: He's amazing! We always talk when we have the chance. he is always interesting and funny! He's one of my friends and one of the sweetest guys i've ever met in my lifetime...(:
Photobucket Ahh, this boy... This man... This person... (: Means the entire world to me! I love him with a passion(: He's the best thing ever! No one can make me stop liking him!! He's my ninja buddy(: And my gosh darn spinning buddy!
Photobucket Here we have another person... A person filled with amazing-ness amazing ness so amazing... it makes amazing people ..... Wait for it! JEALOUS! Adam is like so amazing(: He is my bestest friend(: And my NSN PIMP, While I'm the NSN HOE, and Amber is the NSN WHORE :D Don't lie, You know you wish you were him. He's my tongue, I'm his sponge (:
Photobucket Okay, so this is Delta. He's 19 and my best friend EVER! He knows everything about me and I know everything about him he's the best and I never want to lose him as a friend(:

favourite music

Johnny Cash
Lee Brice
Kevin Fowler
Bullet For My Valentine
The Band
The Ramones
Good Charlotte
Luke Bryan
Boyce Avenue
Courage My Love
A Day To Remember
Blood On The Dance Floor
Jimmy Eat World
Norah Jones
Chris Young
Memphis May Fire
Woe Is Me
Upon This Dawning
Asking Alexandria
The Perfect Measure
Call Atlantis
Judas Priest
The Beatles
Blake Shelton
Five Finger Death Punch
Jonas Brothers
In This Moment
My Chemical Romance
Depeche Mode
Cheap Trick







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