Gender: Male
Age: 32
Star Sign: Leo
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'7" (171cm)
Weight: 135 lbs (61kg)
Location: eagle Pass, Texas, United States
Signup Date: 28 Sep 09
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 3894
Latest Blog: hello
Latest Artwork: No Artwork
Latest Poem: i only wish
Member is offline Last Online: 4 years ago
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Followers: 3 [view]
Profile Last Updated: 24 Jul 12 4:08 am
about me
well guys Hi i'm robert, what?!?!?! U don't knoW who i am? i'm that mexican boy from texas
u know robert dark skin, brown eyes, bad ass hair, singer, drummer, pianist, percussionest, bassist, doesn't care about what people say, caring, big hearted, NO ASS!!!!
nothing? oh well if u wanna talk to me talk to me but if u just want to use me like most people have in this god foresaken town then stop wasting your breathe. Cause if i find u i will cut the breathing for u!!!!!!!
lol but stay in touch friends, cause i love to talk, text, hugs, and and and well not sure but i'll think of something ^_^
take care guys!!!!
plus i dont fucking like doosh bags, i dont talk to people who think its fun to hurt others, i especially dont like guys who just talk to girls to get in their pants and break there hearts in the end. especially the ones who are fucking old pervs who are hitting on little kids.
fucking get a life and stop hitting on kids you stupid pervs!!!
MAke Me A SiGn Bitches!!!!
R.I.P kissy.....the best dog ever.....i will always love you....and you will be missed dearly....
who she was and what she meant to me.. reason for this name is cause she kisses alot lol. her father charcole, who we happen to have as well, was lonely and needed a girl so we met up with a family so they could have babies we didn't profit from the other puppies but they gave us one so i was like WWWOOOOOO!!!!!!shes a good dog shes very playful and she means the world to me. i love this puppy so much and i know she was meant to be my dog for the rest of my days in my life. ^_^
 best friends forever katie!!!!
I think its only fair that i put her up on my pro. she put me on hers and i didn't ask to be on it but she still took the time to do it :) so that is why i'm taking time to do the same. this is my very good friend KATIE. she is so cool that her words need to be bolded ^_^ now katie is a very nice sweet girl who has an awesome personalilty. she makes me laugh cause we share disturbing thoughts about movies that have to deal with old ladies in bikini's O.o AAAANNNNYYYWWWAAAAYYYSss i can really relate to her and she can relate to me. i wish i could talk to her more but as it is. time and distance has come between us both, but i love being her friend no matter what and i wouldn't change a thing if it meant loosing her as a friend. oh and get this shes into marianas trench :o dont know who they are? then you should A. get up and go check them out or B. hit yourself with a brick because you have absolutely no idea what your missing. lol well thats all i really wanna say about her cause all the other things i wanna say are too special for anyone elses but her's ^_^ YOUR AN AMAZING FRIEND KATIE, DONT EVER CHANGE. i know i wont (p.s i know you wish it was my butt lol) inside jk
theres no hero section in this so here it is
craig mabbit is one of my favorite singers, he inspires me to try harder, hit those notes, and have fun with what i'm doing. if i ever meet him i wanna be his best friend, you know that guy he'll be partying with lol
ok i know u might be wondering why i put a piano up well let me tell u hold on.
well i honestly love the piano its my passion besides singing, it makes me feel so safe and calm. so if u have a piano at your house i WILL run to it and play my originial piano songs on there for u. soooo YOUR welcome who ever has one and that i meet u one day lol
ok i also put a mike up cause i'm a singer and i love it with a passion lol
still learning to scream its hard as fuck but now i sound like breaking benjamin lol hopefully thats a good thing which i know is in some peoples eyes lol anyways i just love to sing and get better each day so if u ever want me to sing for u just ask me well unless your not from america then i cant call u lol
well i'm i honestly love falling in love...but then i don't. i've been hurt many times for many bad and good reasons.
they pittyed me, they cheated, they didn't want a relationship, thought i was really ugly, the works. so my self esteem has gone down really bad cause of that and family. so if i say i'm ugly u know why and I aM!!!!! so dont' argue cause i will never agree with it cause i have proof that i'm not so if you want me have me but don't use me. just....love me :/
Ivana she is my good good buddy, is one of my good awesome friends on here. She could be my sister but sadly she isn't but it seems that way. we will be friends t'll we die and even after that. BUT!!!!!!IF U MESS WITH THIS CHICK I'LL MESS YOU UP!!!!!
ivana rocksmy socks!!!
this mother fucker is the shit. he is the fighter you wanna be with when its going down. he is the drinker, even though i dont drink or ever will, who be funny as hell, jorge is a true honest bad ass and will never be nothing less. he is my true guy friend that will never go down with a fight. remember jorge WERE TASTY HAHAHA!!!
what an awesome bandy. when i talk with her it feels like music will never leave our lives. no matter what we talk about it always relates to music or marching band lol. i'm glad that i get too have her as a friend cause everyone has a period of time. so we all should make it last while we can cause you never know when people so great as this one are going to leave your lives forever. you fucking rock!!!! |
i honestly hate pain i hate the fact that people have to die if u need me i'll be there for u i dont' care if u dont' know me please don't give up and do this on the bottom
please for me and everyone that loves u talk to us so we can help cause we love u and don't ever forget that!!!!! |
favourite music
trivium!!!!! why two photoes cause two reasons
1. they fucking rock!!!!!! and deserve everything for being such great musicians
and 2. cause they fucking rock live and its fucking bad ass to meet them trust me i did and its fucking bad ass to meet them trust me u should try it
ok bullet for my fucking valentine is fucking bad ass i love listening to there songs and then playing them with my band its so kick ass to have these guys around liek seriously
sick puppies is a beautiful band when i heard there music and what they did for the world i wanted to be a better person cause i couldn't see the hate in the world and how its dying so i give props to this band for great show and great music
who could forget escape the fate even though ronnie is gone they still kick ass i honestly think that there music is great old and new
last but not least bless the fall oh my god this the first screamo band that i ever liked its cause of them i fucking love all types of music i said fuck it this is pointless i'm a fucking musician i should stop this little kid shit so i stopped dissing other types of music and just took it in so bless the fall is glory!!!!!! |