Confession/Say what you think
/ 526 posts
23 Oct 20 9:53 pm
While I Am Not Anarchist (Anarchy may be a wonderful concept, but I certainly do not believe that the so-called Human Race is advanced-enough to manage it), I Confess That:

"I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police....."


/ 526 posts
23 Oct 20 11:20 pm *
I Confess:

That I have eaten Jalapenos, Habaneros, Banana Peppers, Sriracha, and other sorts of Hot Sauces for years now.


P.S. It honestly seems to me that Eating Hot Stuff really does seem to help with Opening-Up Stuffed Sinuses (ooooo, you're GOING to blow your nose a lot) , Makes Your Eyes Feel Brand-New (like you're in 2nd Grade again, ha) from all the Crying, WILL heat you up on cold days, WILL make you feel like a supercharged/amped-up Popeye (but only if Hot Peppers happen to be Your "Spinach", I guess, heh), WILL wake you dafuq up (because a hot, steamin' cuppa Coffee just doesn't cut it for me, unfortunately), and MIGHT maybe even Boost Your Immune Factor?

/ 321 posts
24 Oct 20 4:21 am
DevilsFood wrote:
While I Am Not Anarchist (Anarchy may be a wonderful concept, but I certainly do not believe that the so-called Human Race is advanced-enough to manage it), I Confess That:

"I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police. I Will Never Ever Blindly-Trust The Police....."



Being that the Police Force is made up of people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people, I will never blindly trust people. Ha, ha! : - )
/ 321 posts
24 Oct 20 4:23 am
DevilsFood wrote:
I Confess:

That I have eaten Jalapenos, Habaneros, Banana Peppers, Sriracha, and other sorts of Hot Sauces for years now.


Yeah, I'm beginning to think that spicy food can be least psychologically. I find eating spicy food uplifting. : - )

P.S. It honestly seems to me that Eating Hot Stuff really does seem to help with Opening-Up Stuffed Sinuses (ooooo, you're GOING to blow your nose a lot) , Makes Your Eyes Feel Brand-New (like you're in 2nd Grade again, ha) from all the Crying, WILL heat you up on cold days, WILL make you feel like a supercharged/amped-up Popeye (but only if Hot Peppers happen to be Your "Spinach", I guess, heh), WILL wake you dafuq up (because a hot, steamin' cuppa Coffee just doesn't cut it for me, unfortunately), and MIGHT maybe even Boost Your Immune Factor?

/ 526 posts
24 Oct 20 11:00 am
Oh, yeah, Karl...certainly. Agreed. I don't blindly-trust Anyone either. Ha.

Oh, yeah...The Heat is most certainly electrifying both in and out.

/ 526 posts
14 Nov 20 3:53 am *
I Confess:

...that a long time ago, when I was in 4th Grade, I heard my teacher calling a girl classmate (she was actually a very lovely, very pretty, very quiet and reserved girl) by her Full Name: Cynthia Gunther.


I had never ever heard that last name in my life before, and so for some damn stupid reason I just found it so fucking unbelievably-funny.


And Cynthia just looked at me with an expressionless face all that time. Not crying, not anything.

(maybe She thought I was a stupid Dipshit. She Was Right.)

Goddamn, I feel bad about that now. I really wish I could Apologize to Her about that.....


"I'm Very Truly Sorry, Cynthia.

I Was Wrong."

/ 2 posts
07 Jan 21 8:35 am
Arak_Drakoniz wrote:
There are only 3 kind of girls I'd date...
1. Someone who never wants kids.
2. Someone who already has one kid and will not want anymore.
3. Someone who would want to adopt only one kid.

I don't want kids (of my own) for far too many reasons to list. Here's a few reasons.

- I don't want to put up with a hormonal pregnant girl unless she's going to really make an effort to control her hormones using their will power.

- Even if we got through her pregnancy with a minimal amount of drama I can't handle kids that communicate by crying most of the time.

- I don't like the idea of taking care of a life that is far younger than I am. I really hate it when my family says I'm already irresponsible even though I don't have a kid. When I actually have a kid and don't take care of him/her then they can call me irresponsible.

Does this make me a terrible person? Of course it does.

Men are usually not wired paternally until they see the kid. So most men do not think they are capable to become a father. Usually men do not know how good they can be as a dad until they are present with the life, and the paternal bond begins. It is also a society stigma.

That being said, no you are not a terrible person to not want to become a parent. There are women who share your views as well. Either way best of luck in your life.
/ 321 posts
08 Feb 21 6:23 pm
I feel retarded....I know that doesn't sound very PC and I don't mean to be slanderous, I genuinely feel as though there's something wrong with me. : - (
/ 526 posts
17 Feb 21 4:38 am



/ 49 posts
21 Feb 21 12:18 pm
Arak_Drakoniz wrote:
There are only 3 kind of girls I'd date...
1. Someone who never wants kids.
2. Someone who already has one kid and will not want anymore.
3. Someone who would want to adopt only one kid.

I don't want kids (of my own) for far too many reasons to list. Here's a few reasons.

- I don't want to put up with a hormonal pregnant girl unless she's going to really make an effort to control her hormones using their will power.

- Even if we got through her pregnancy with a minimal amount of drama I can't handle kids that communicate by crying most of the time.

- I don't like the idea of taking care of a life that is far younger than I am. I really hate it when my family says I'm already irresponsible even though I don't have a kid. When I actually have a kid and don't take care of him/her then they can call me irresponsible.

Does this make me a terrible person? Of course it does.

Wouldnt it, therefore, make sense to date Girls that dont have a child, in the first place, and doesnt want to?
/ 49 posts
26 Feb 21 12:05 pm
AVintagePaperDoll wrote:
I wish it was a little bit busier here

I feel you, there, man. I wish so, too
/ 321 posts
26 Feb 21 10:21 pm
Seriously....I wish I was smarter. Or at least, I wish I didn't feel like a spaz. I can't help but notice Jo-Blow the Bogan can do something but when I do it it's an epic struggle. It's my life's problem and it frustrates the fire f*ck out of me! I only just realise this is 'Say What You Think' not feel.....sorry. I guess it's a little bit of both.
/ 321 posts
27 Feb 21 10:25 pm
Trappernicus wrote:
Karl wrote:
Seriously....I wish I was smarter. Or at least, I wish I didn't feel like a spaz. I can't help but notice Jo-Blow the Bogan can do something but when I do it it's an epic struggle. It's my life's problem and it frustrates the fire f*ck out of me! I only just realise this is 'Say What You Think' not feel.....sorry. I guess it's a little bit of both.

TBH: The reason some people look like they can do things is because they don’t care if they fail. They just like doing stuff. Just a thought 🦊

That's true! I've noticed that and it's in 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson (should put that in the book review blog). In this case it really is simple stuff I shouldn't even need to think about or try very hard at. The only other explanation given to me is someone mentioned I might on the ASD spectrum. : - S
/ 526 posts
28 Feb 21 4:57 am
I Hate Anti-Maskers.

/ 526 posts
28 Feb 21 4:58 am
Hideous Brazen Warthogs like Marjorie Taylor Greene sicken the fuck out of me.

/ 321 posts
28 Feb 21 10:27 pm
I hate how hypersensitive society has become. I hate the victim mentality mindset and self righteous high that people get. I also hate how that's how I used to be when I was younger. : - (
/ 526 posts
01 Mar 21 4:32 am
I used to have a crazy LustCrush on a certain hot, lovely, sexy Co-Worker Young Lady who had Vitiligo all over her.

She knew it too. Ha.

We'd flirt, but that's all we did.

/ 526 posts
01 Mar 21 9:37 am
I Confess:

I think I currently have a toe-curling crush on A Pretty Lovely Adorable Young Lady that works at the Dollar Store a few blocks down the street.



I ain't gonna chase her, though...over the years, I have actually let hundreds of Lovelies ~Get Awayyyyy~.....



/ 526 posts
01 Mar 21 9:44 am
I Confess:

I threw-out half of A FruitCake I bought maybe 3 months ago.

I put it outside where I know I have seen Raccoons next door. The next day, it clearly looked half-eaten, and then the following day, it was all gone.

/ 526 posts
01 Mar 21 9:55 am
I Confess:

When I was in KinderGarten, I made fun of a classmate named Raymond; he wore Leg Braces walked oddly.

I think I only did it twice, but I feel fucking bad about it now for years.


"I'm Sorry, Raymond. I'm Very Sorry."