Confession/Say what you think
/ 1174 posts
07 Oct 15 4:30 pm
So sorry.
/ 217 posts
30 Oct 15 2:35 am
I want to talk to you and message you, but I'm afraid I'll make this worse.
/ 1174 posts
30 Oct 15 4:01 pm
Communication is key. As Poe says boundless waves do sever and Iron Maiden sang of how people drift and die
/ 217 posts
30 Oct 15 11:33 pm
Vampariah wrote:
Communication is key. As Poe says boundless waves do sever and Iron Maiden sang of how people drift and die

if it was any easier I'd be talking to her now, she has every reason to hate me.
/ 867 posts
19 Nov 15 7:16 pm
So I have brain lesions. And apparently when I have a migraine it triggers seizures. And I've been having insurance issues. My health is shit. But I'm still smiling. Life is good.
/ 1174 posts
21 Nov 15 3:25 pm
That is sorry to hear Kat, I don't know anything about lesions.
/ 168 posts
08 Dec 15 11:48 pm
I don't want to remove you from my contacts incase you ever ring or text, only so I know to ignore it.

It does mean that on WhatsApp I can see your latest status.

"Not happy."
"Can't believe this is happening to me."
"I don't deserve this."
"Why do I get all the bad luck?"

I have no idea what is is, but this makes me happy.

I hope it hurts.
/ 76 posts
26 Mar 16 8:18 pm
I cant tell if im horny or hungry
/ 15 posts
16 May 16 12:23 am *
Umm why?

chaotic_sam, not to you.
I was commenting the whole confession thing.
/ 15 posts
25 Jul 16 3:18 am
I know
/ 13 posts
22 Sep 16 4:35 pm
I feel like a dog chasing off a flock of pigeons here.
/ 18 posts
01 Jan 17 8:06 pm
Confession: I hate my own family.
Say what I think: I have a good reason to hate them.
/ 1174 posts
27 Aug 17 8:58 pm
Real men eat quiche...
/ 1 posts
08 Sep 18 1:40 pm *
Confession: I don't want kids, I rather have a career. I'm turning 26 and trying to escape an already toxic family. family. The "Men" pressuring me to have kids by now since my age. i'm more so against it more than ever I already have enough stuff to deal with than adding to that with having kids.
plus pregnancy is just as risky with the chances of having a stroke during birth and all the other stuff i read about how women die while in labor. yeah no that's too risky
/ 49 posts
10 Apr 20 5:57 pm
I used to be a bully in HS as I was horribly bullied myself. Im now trying to push for social change when it comes to bullying.

Social media makes me feel lonely and isolated, sometimes.

Minor detail, but I also used the word 'elitist' too much towards other people in the goth subculture. Allthough, thats because I had no idea that an elitist was something entirely different than what I thought it was.
/ 246 posts
17 Apr 20 5:48 am
People are disappointing. I'm thankful for the people in my life who love me.
/ 19 posts
19 Apr 20 5:39 am
Norwegian wrote:
I used to be a bully in HS as I was horribly bullied myself. Im now trying to push for social change when it comes to bullying.

Social media makes me feel lonely and isolated, sometimes.

Minor detail, but I also used the word 'elitist' too much towards other people in the goth subculture. Allthough, thats because I had no idea that an elitist was something entirely different than what I thought it was.

Goth elitist here. I am used to being called an elitist by people who use it as a label for someone that disagrees with them. It could be they are unwilling or unable to take on new ideas that challenge their beliefs. I guess some people arrive at a place in their lives where they are willing or able to look into people's arguments and adjust their beliefs accordingly when there is valid reason to do so. Other's see it as a threat to their beliefs and an attack on them personally. I have learned not waste too much of my time on people whose minds remain shut and have nothing substantial to back up their arguments. I guess those that call me an elitist just prove a point about being unable to separate their emotions from logical thinking.
/ 526 posts
03 Oct 20 4:50 am *
I Confess:

That I find it much easier and easier over the years these days to (as my good friend/ex-bandmate/Death Metal Vocalist Exemplaire Lord Crud used to say):


...meaning to Ignore/Shun The Infinitely-Stupid Dumbasses...of course.

Fortunately, years ago, I started putting The Emotions off to the side For Objectivity's Sake.

"You Can't Please Everyone." -proverb

"The Art Of Being Wise Is Knowing What To Overlook." -proverb

/ 526 posts
03 Oct 20 11:57 am
I Confess:

That I find it MUCH Easier to have A Woman Boss than A Man Boss.

I also have Way Better Luck And Success Doing Business With Women as opposed to with Men.


/ 321 posts
15 Oct 20 11:13 pm
When I was young I'd talk to seniors and ask about dating and their response would be "Oh, I'm too old for that now" or "I'm past that stage in life." I'm 41 now and I've past that stage in life. I still find women attractive but any personal interest is purely platonic. I don't have much of a sex drive and the thought of sex, marriage or having a GF just feels impossible and alien as if it's from out of space. In short....the idea just feels WEIRD. But because I'm a man people expect me to still be a raging horny 16 year old 41. : -