Confession/Say what you think
/ 526 posts
01 Jul 21 12:18 am *
KARL: Her life improved by heaps when she left Canberra. LOL

LU: Are you yourself ever leaving Canberra?

KARL: Devil's Food I wish I knew you when I was in my Teens. Ha, ha! Keep being awesome!

LU: Ha...Likewise!

/ 302 posts
02 Jul 21 12:16 am
DevilsFood wrote:
KARL: Her life improved by heaps when she left Canberra. LOL

LU: Are you yourself ever leaving Canberra?

KARL: Devil's Food I wish I knew you when I was in my Teens. Ha, ha! Keep being awesome!

LU: Ha...Likewise!

*sigh* I want to. Sadly I've only ever worked in low income jobs. Don't really have the capacity to earn more money. If I wanna' move overseas it's something I have to work on.
/ 302 posts
02 Jul 21 12:18 am
Roller Skating is the only sporting activity I enjoy and I love it because it's mundane but at the same time it's alternative. The Goth's and Rockabilly's tend to be drawn to it and I like how it's one of the few things about me that's also normal. I can talk to people about it without the response of "wots dat sh*t?"
/ 526 posts
03 Jul 21 12:00 pm
KARL: *sigh* I want to. Sadly I've only ever worked in low income jobs. Don't really have the capacity to earn more money. If I wanna' move overseas it's something I have to work on.

LU: Hm...yeah, unfortunately it does seem as though pretty much any job One gets is most probably Woefully-Underpaid.

/ 526 posts
03 Jul 21 12:08 pm
KARL: Roller Skating is the only sporting activity I enjoy and I love it because it's mundane but at the same time it's alternative. The Goth's and Rockabilly's tend to be drawn to it and I like how it's one of the few things about me that's also normal. I can talk to people about it without the response of "wots dat sh*t?"

LU: Yeah, I suppose historically and traditionally it is An Alternative Sport.

I myself SkateBoarded for years. I then later got Rollerblades (I had RollerSkates prior) but I guess the wheels were a bit too Soft so I didn't use them as much. Maybe I should have bought Harder Wheels.....
/ 302 posts
04 Jul 21 12:24 am
DevilsFood wrote:
KARL: Roller Skating is the only sporting activity I enjoy and I love it because it's mundane but at the same time it's alternative. The Goth's and Rockabilly's tend to be drawn to it and I like how it's one of the few things about me that's also normal. I can talk to people about it without the response of "wots dat sh*t?"

LU: Yeah, I suppose historically and traditionally it is An Alternative Sport.

I myself SkateBoarded for years. I then later got Rollerblades (I had RollerSkates prior) but I guess the wheels were a bit too Soft so I didn't use them as much. Maybe I should have bought Harder Wheels.....

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to learn to Skateboard but my mum wouldn't let me. Which is ironic considering she wanted me to get into 'normal' stuff that other people were into. I have respect for Skateboarding because it's also alternative common at the same time. It's changed a lot since I was a child. Used to be only teenage boys doing it but now adults, kids, girls, boys, women, men and people dressed like they're going to the office are doing it!

For outdoor used you'd want soft wheels. That way when you go over little rocks you don't feel it so much. 😉
/ 526 posts
05 Jul 21 2:43 pm
Hm...I understand, but I would probably want Harder Wheels for speed, heh.
/ 302 posts
06 Jul 21 12:06 am
I'm not a proud Australian and I don't love my country...I don't hate it, let's just say we're better off just being friends. LOL 🤣 I know that sounds ungrateful but since tutoring English to migrants in '98 I've developed an appreciation for living in Australia. I'm better being born here and not somewhere that would have me stoned to death. But I don't consider/think of myself as being Australian and I realise I was born into the wrong environment. 😢
/ 302 posts
05 Aug 21 11:40 pm
Over the past 3 years I've noticed I've had to water down my personality and basically censor myself with people. Goth sites such as these seam to be the only place where I can express myself. It's twisted because I'm usually diplomatic and I'm not out to offend or make enemies but amazingly some people seem to take offence anyway. It's upsetting and makes me feel like I'm walking on thin ice with people....simply by saying something as simple as "hello." 😢
/ 49 posts
06 Aug 21 6:50 pm
Karl wrote:
Over the past 3 years I've noticed I've had to water down my personality and basically censor myself with people. Goth sites such as these seam to be the only place where I can express myself. It's twisted because I'm usually diplomatic and I'm not out to offend or make enemies but amazingly some people seem to take offence anyway. It's upsetting and makes me feel like I'm walking on thin ice with people....simply by saying something as simple as "hello." 😢

I like to twist it and say that if you never offend people you will never get people to think.

I think thats nearly impossible.

I had this conversation with a person about George Floyd and racism. I come from Norway, where racism is a probably a bit different than in other countries. I E, I believe thats its less, but I cant say that this is true.

Yet, anyway, he/ She took offense when I offered my viewpoint that I think its important to learn from other countries as this is a global issue. Not something isolated with the US. That there is discrimination going on back in Norway, as well.

I guess its because people feel that their identity is attacked or something.
/ 302 posts
06 Aug 21 11:03 pm
Norwegian wrote:
Karl wrote:
Over the past 3 years I've noticed I've had to water down my personality and basically censor myself with people. Goth sites such as these seam to be the only place where I can express myself. It's twisted because I'm usually diplomatic and I'm not out to offend or make enemies but amazingly some people seem to take offence anyway. It's upsetting and makes me feel like I'm walking on thin ice with people....simply by saying something as simple as "hello." 😢

I like to twist it and say that if you never offend people you will never get people to think.

I think thats nearly impossible.

I had this conversation with a person about George Floyd and racism. I come from Norway, where racism is a probably a bit different than in other countries. I E, I believe thats its less, but I cant say that this is true.

Yet, anyway, he/ She took offense when I offered my viewpoint that I think its important to learn from other countries as this is a global issue. Not something isolated with the US. That there is discrimination going on back in Norway, as well.

I guess its because people feel that their identity is attacked or something.

That's the big problem I have, I don't have credibility. I'm not joking when I say water is wet and I can used experience or scientific explanations for this but people still won't believe me. Too often I say "ok, I see" or"yeah right" and even "you got a point" but just about never hear it in return.

That's so true, Norwegian! We get a lot of negative media especially from the US so people focus on that. But prejudice worldwide.

I think you're right about your friend too, they're probably over-thinking it and taken what you're saying the wrong way. Subconsciously they may be feeling their identity and/or ego is being attacked.
/ 302 posts
07 Aug 21 11:15 pm
I know it sounds harsh but every now someone posts something really stupid on my FB page. It's conflicting for me because I kinda' like these people but sometimes wonder why I'm friends with them. They dislike anything I'm into (including being Goth) and get the strong impression they automatically hate my relatives (due to prejudice), we have conflicting modes of thinking. I know I'm going to lock horns with them but it's not deliberate.....*sigh* 😢🤷‍♀️
/ 302 posts
19 Aug 21 12:28 am
Watched this movie last night on Neetflix!!

It's a German film bit the end is set in Scotland. So some of it is in German and English. It's like Snakes on a Plane meets 30 Days of Night! 😁👌
/ 302 posts
24 Aug 21 12:37 am
The plus side of ACT being in Lockdown is I now have an excuse to stay indoors and draw all day!😁
/ 302 posts
26 Aug 21 1:13 pm
I gotta' admit, we're in lockdown's sooooooooo nice going outside for a walk at night because there's no one around! It's so nice outside, so peaceful, so quite, no Bogans to smash a bottle and shove it into my face while yelling "take that, Dazza" it's great! 😁👍👌😆
/ 302 posts
28 Aug 21 12:33 am
This isn't very Gothic at all but; listening to bands like Heilung, Wardruna and to another extent Korpiklaani really strikes a chord, it hits a nerve but makes me feel a little sad. It took me a while to figure out it's because Westerners in general have lost our spiritual side and connection with nature. So I see foreign cultures who still have some of that and I envy them, but if I were to mimick how they are in my own country I'd get viewed as eccentric, an idiot or a wackadoodle. It makes me so deeply, f*cking sad.
/ 302 posts
29 Aug 21 11:40 pm
I often whinge about how boring and conservative Canberra is but looking back and returning to the present I realise how much it's improved. When I was a kid, if you mentioned Halloween or even Chinese New Year the response would be "this is Australia, we don't celebrate that sh*t here!" But now Diwali's a big thing with lots of different people going, we got the Canberra Zombie Walk (around Halloween), the bars in the City decorate for Halloween, we got alternative places like Reload (where the Zombie Walk often ends up) a video game arcade/bar that hold Halloween parties, Guild which is a restuarant where you can eat, drink and play board games, Gammacon the animae/manga convention, Impact Comics Festival (it's small but worth going), CanCon the games's sooooo much better than what it used to be!
/ 302 posts
11 Sep 21 12:01 am
So whenever I'm at the skatepark I play Goth just seems to be a natural thing, now I associate roller skating at the skate park with Goth. Thoughts....?
/ 302 posts
17 Sep 21 10:54 pm
Majority of people are stupid, annoying and have no sense of personal space (they get in the way). Just thought I'd mention it.
/ 302 posts
11 Oct 21 11:38 pm
I grew up in a Wacky Tack (Christian) environment and whenever I was unhappy about a problem I was told "I complained I had no shoes until I met the man that had no feet." That always agitated me. The saying isn't productive or helpful. "I complained I had no shoes until I saw the man that had no feet, so I used my feet to go get a pair of shoes" would be a much better saying. 😉'