Confession/Say what you think
/ 526 posts
05 Mar 21 5:52 am

I Have A Sweet Crush On A Lovely Pretty Girl At The Dollar Store Down The Road.


I Sense She Loikes Me Too.


/ 526 posts
12 Apr 21 11:26 pm
Believe It Or Not, laying down on your back with A Walking Cane Under Your Neck (maybe even for surprisingly long times) might help You.

I have actually used numerous other things like that. Even BaseBalls under the neck. A Brick (fold a towel over it first). A Steel Pipe. I even have a hard pillow I made; I purchased A Bag Of 48 Golf Balls that I fully put in a pillowcase and tied a knot to keep it in.

Under the neck and even the upper back.

Damn, it really helps My HeadBanger's Neck. Traction. Yup.
/ 302 posts
14 Apr 21 7:47 pm
I'm probably one of the very few Australians that doesn't like getting drunk. I LOVE to drink, especially beer but I hate getting drunk. Don't like the idea of loosing control, if anything I want to gain control. So for me drinking is simply for the pleasure of the taste of it, like eating chocolate. Also, I have really good long term memory so remembering hangovers isn't encouraging. LOL
/ 302 posts
15 Apr 21 7:44 pm
Trappernicus wrote:
Confession: I really hate closed minded people who refuse to have a discussion without screaming 🦊

Egh! Yes, me too! That's what you get when living in the age of hyper-sensitive people high on self righteousness. Worst bit is....I used to be one of them (before it was popular)! : -
/ 302 posts
19 Apr 21 7:42 pm
I need my own place. I love my family, I really do and without them I'd be a hobbo BUT I've noticed I'm at my happiest at home when I've got the place to myself. I feel guilty for thinking it is what it is.
/ 302 posts
19 Apr 21 7:44 pm
Oh yeah...on top of that, I want my Dad to have his own place. I also feel guilt because I KNOW he would like the place to himself.
/ 526 posts
21 Apr 21 8:28 am
I sense a LOT of shitbrained Malevolent Racist Agitators (covertly-posing as Floyd Sympathizers) within the protest crowds nationwide are fucking disappointed today at The Lack Of Violent Raging Anarchic Riots.....


/ 302 posts
22 Apr 21 11:36 pm
I need to work on my abdominal muscles more....but I generally just love doing weight lifting.
/ 526 posts
23 Apr 21 1:33 am

I just now said: "Ohhh, my leg is asleep."...and a second or two some guy on TV then says: "It's like your leg is asleep, and there's no circulation."

Ha. Seriously.....




/ 526 posts
25 Apr 21 10:52 pm
Oh, man...

I was *SOOOOOOO BEYOND NAUSEOUS* at daily seeing Trump's Fat Ugly Orange Face on TV...and hearing his goddamned gratingly-irritating voice too.....


/ 526 posts
26 Apr 21 12:07 am
I'm actually fed-the-hell-up-to-here with all sorts of goddamned overrated Awards Shows by now, to be Honest.

/ 302 posts
28 Apr 21 7:40 pm
I feel like a spaz.
/ 526 posts
02 May 21 3:01 am
Glad you're feeling better, PaperDoll.....
/ 526 posts
02 May 21 3:06 am *
It's A Cult. Yeah.


/ 526 posts
21 May 21 9:03 pm
Good Luck Wherever You Go, PaperDoll.....

/ 526 posts
21 May 21 9:05 pm
By The Way: I have found that Laying Down On A Walking Cane (or even certain other things) certainly helps Troublesome Back Areas.

/ 302 posts
25 May 21 1:09 am
AVintagePaperDoll wrote:
Why is every person I know so horrible? πŸ˜”

I can relate. It's because there's something about us that is bate for horrible people. I try to distance myself from people like that....good thing I'm the solitary type. Hope your situation improves soon.
/ 6 posts
31 May 21 7:39 am
I let people get away with far too much.
I know I have my fair share of flaws & quirks, but good intentions are always there.
It’d be lovely if one’s kindness wasn’t taken for granted.
/ 302 posts
31 May 21 7:42 pm
I was in the Army Reserves for 4yrs. I got photo's from Basic Recruit Training, Certificates, Army buddies on FB and still got some of the gear. BUT someone who thinks like a Conspiracy theorist can easily claim;

"No you weren't, those photos were staged, the certificates are fake, your Army buddies on FB are fake profiles with paid actors to respond to any messages, the gear is from a disposal store..."

I could defend against but they will always come up with little counter points.

I feel like the mode of thinking behind it is;

'I'm so smart and intelligent, only I know the truth, everyone else is a fool because I'm so special.'

*sigh* Ya' can't win. : - (
/ 526 posts
01 Jun 21 4:17 am
Ohhh, You're Damn Right, Karl.
